Join Buckeye Allis Club, Inc.
For the purpose of promoting Allis Chalmers equipment and aid in the
restoration and location of parts and equipment.
We have a display at several shows throughout the state, a members
only show at the Farm Science Review and a Club Banquet.
Membership runs January 1st through
December 31st
Prorated as follows:
Jan. - March $25.00
April - June $20.00
July - Sept. $15.00
Oct. - Dec. will be combined with the following full year for $25
Canadian Memberships $30.00 per year.
Memberships will receive one free ad in each quarterly newsletter.
Membership Dues Payment Options
Fillable/printable membership form
Send completed form and check to:
Buckeye Allis Club, Inc.
PO Box 1
Jeffersonville, OH 43128